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Hydrogen Transport

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About This Event

This exclusive webinar explores innovative hydrogen transportation technologies, specifically ammonia and Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC), which promise enhanced efficiency and reduced losses. These technologies, while promising, are yet to be fully scaled, and their deployment raises both opportunities and questions.
Designed for professionals across the hydrogen value chain - from distributors and infrastructure developers to industrial gas players - this webinar aims to support you in choosing the most efficient and cost-effective hydrogen transportation method. We will also explore recent advancements and real-world industrial applications to enhance hydrogen infrastructure efficiency.
The key takeaways of this webinar:
  • Explore existing hydrogen transportation techniques and identify their shortcomings.
  • Discover new and innovative methods for hydrogen transport.
  • Determine the best transportation option using techno-economic aspects


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Our Panel of Experts

Rebecka Grillo

Rebecka is an Environmental Engineer with a Master in Sustainable Mobilities and focus on Green Hydrogen.

Monita Priyadarshini

Monita has a background in Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering and is excited to develop new ideas that improve the energy industry for the future.

Complimentary Access To Our Energy Platform

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